One hour before the exam ends, I'm already walking out the door with a content smile on my face. 5 STARS FOR ME! Ofcourse, it's not always good to finish before time, but this time, I'm pretty sure I got it down.
The best thing about having exams, is the essays (discussion or argumentative). Easy marks, right there!
Now, I'm rushing and rambling all the details out and you're probably not following, so I think it would be safe to start from the beginning.
After finishing my last blog post, I was automatially logged off my computer for some sort of update. At first, miffed at not being able to check on other important documents and projects...ahem twitter ahem...I realized that it was actually almost time for the exam to start.
The exam location was about a 10 minute walk from where I was, and so I stood, resigned to face my destiny penning the blank cheap paper of exam answer sheets.
On the top of my head, I rehearsed whatever was important to remember and solely relying on the essay to save my soul. The campus was empty, as students sat around studiously flipping through their texts and books trying to find a last minute antidote to the incoming plague they were all going to face.
I looked on, bored, with earphones plugged in, my mind fantasizing my belting off the notes of Turner's "Simply the best" infront of a crowd of admiring fans. Thank you, thank you.
I froze, dread numbing my whole body and me unwilling to look down and see. Then I did..and I saw my foot shit deep in shit.
I, it couldn't be! Please say it rained chocolates this morning. It's chocolate puddle, that's all it is.
Then, the scent of food that had undergone the process of digestion and egestion sunk in like an unwanted swarm of mosquitoes covering the length of your skin.
Ready to damn the world, I glanced around shiftily for any enemy body that might be happening nearby. I spotted two friendlies a way back but they were too far to see my predicament, luckily.
Uncomfortably, I walked on like a limping old woman with eye movement problems and tried to find a tap, to no avail. I thought, well stuff it! I wiped the offending matter against the grass and hoped no one would think anything was off.
As soon as the friendlies caught up, I matched their gait and resumed the illusion of a normal university student.
Oh I was good.
I got to the exam area, sat down and sniffed a few times to make sure my lil earlier incident had left no evidence. I was clear to go, and so I sat staring at the paper, ready to begin.
The supervisors yelled out the usual things to remember. No devices, shut off all phones and if caught cheating or with any illegal substances, they'd off your head. Something along those lines.
All that was expected off us was an essay.
Needless to say, I think I handled things pretty well. I walked out like a triumphant warrior who'd just won the battle that was to win the war.
I bought a hot dog.
Though I literally started off stepping into shit, I ended up....buying hot dog. I'm sure I had a good point there but I've forgotten what it was.
I wish everyone the best of lucks in their exams. Don't lose hope when it seems like your day isnt going well. AAh there it is! The point I was trying to make.
In sensational news, the President, *Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu*, has written
to the DPP, *Christopher Pryde,* telling hm that the allegations of
5 weeks ago
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