Sunday, March 18, 2012

Turning the big 2-0

I turn 20 today! 19 March, 2012. Another milestone in my life. Another stair up the staircase of life's journey. Another year. Another Age.

Initially, I was dreading this day; the moment when your teen years slip away and you're into the dimension of adulthood. That moment when your maturity level is suppose to increase and you're expected not to watch Power Rangers. The year you should have at least a mental picture on what to do with your life.

So how do I feel as a 20 year old? Well, I haven't grown an inch since yesterday and I'd like to catch tonight's episode of Spongebob. What do I want to do with my life? I want to rule the world and accomplish what Pinky and the Brain never could.
Age. Another thing humans like to discriminate against, as well as race, religion, colour and so on and so forth.

Maturity isn't defined by age; well, I don't think it is, anyway. It's defined by your experiences in life, what you've learnt from your mistakes and the mistakes of those before you.

My definition of age, is that it's a reminder not to waste your time away on trivial things. Like trying to squelch your individualism to the standards society has set and following suit like water in the river. As a 20 year old, I'm not really interested in clubbing or acting like a sex-starved cow during mating season, like sadly, how some girls my age do. I said "some". Before anyone starts throwing accusations at me. If that's the "norm" of society than count me out. If that means I'm going to be classified as a dork, geek or weirdo; fine with me.
Excuse me, but my sense of dignity is a little different.

Twenty years on this Earth isn't much really and yet still..quite a long time. I still refer to the 90's as "ten years ago". Time flies by so fast. Excuse the cliche.
On the other hand, so much has happened in my life and time seems so slow sometimes. Like high school. I feel as if I've left high school years ago. Except, that was just two years ago.

 I like being young and I like embracing my youth. I'd rather not rush into life, trying to be older than I am and having to look back mournfully later at the lost years.

I also love when people take time to wish you a Happy Birthday. Thank you FACEBOOK.
I was about to call it a night, this morning around 1am but just checked on all emails a last time. That also included a peek on twitter and facebook. Lo and behold, I already had birthday wishes posted on my wall. At one in the morning!

So a sinister grin crossed my face and I sat in front of the monitor watching my notifications icon with folded hands. It has begun...

I kid. I actually just replied to every comment(..and yes, I actually do reply to each comment. That's how grateful I am) and thanked them heartily. Especially that they'd been so quick to send the birthday wishes.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I love you all so much.

I'm not sure if birthdays are times for resolutions or anything like that, because for me I'd rather just have food...or money...or new stuff. Materialistic? Very.
It's lent anyway and we have New Years for that. Give me a break.

I think though, now that I'm twenty, things are going to have to change. I'm not talking drastic changes like giving up cartoons and bongos, but more on the side of responsibility and a self evaluation on how to become a better person.

Life is waiting with open arms, ready to throttle embrace you, so live all you can!


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