Another round of rainy weather for Suva, the capital of Fiji and so sitting indoors, I thought I'd mingle with my fellow twitter users and check in on Facebook.
Since joining twitter, I've left it up to my twitter feed to update my Facebook status; my favourite part of having a Facebook profile, but now and then, I like to check my Facebook home page to see how everyone's doing.
It's amazing how much we can piece together about people just by reading their facebook statuses or wall posts even for that matter, since they're public.....
Therein begins the subject matter of this post. You know your facebook status is viewable to EVERYONE who has either subscribed to you or have you added as a friend.
First of all, not to seem like a hypocrite, I'm actually one of those who fanatically update their FB status.
Probably those poor souls I've added would understand, since I flood their home page every day with the current weather, global political situations, global human rights issues, rants about music, about being hungry, about the weather, about the transport, about the book I'm reading, what page of the book I'm reading, what line I am up to in the book I'm reading, what tv show I might be watching that very moment, what tv shows I liked watching, movies, actors, actresses, random people I see, random people I meet (yes there's a difference), youtube shares, articles I've read, Uni, RUGBY and of course the rare angry statuses that pop up now and again.
What I don't do on my status? I don't call anyone out. That's totally unnecessary and only causes more trouble. A nice little cryptic message or general update or even an "ARRRGHHHHHHHH GRRRRR RAWWWRRRRRRRR" would do. Rugby is an exception.
On the other hand, if I wrote "Excuse me (name of person), I think your hair looks like something I use to keep my computer free of dust particles..." that would be very rude, I don't even know why people would bother posting up something like that. Not to mention, the amount of trouble it could stir and danger it could put people in.
I don't make obvious statuses about my relationships and to whom I'm referring to if I throw up something that sounds pretty deep. People who know me, know I put up pretty deep statuses.
I kid.
Seriously though, I have my dignity.
If you have family problems or boy/girl problems, some of us do care (contrary to what people may tell you) and all you have to do is call us up and vent. I'm always going to be there to listen. However! Save me the melodramatic statuses please. I like statuses like, "One of the worst feelings you could feel is missing someone who will never miss you back." A classic pote scenario but I can empathize. A small general update on the family situation or boy situation is okay. What I don't do is, "OH ROBBIE TAKE ME BACK! TAKE ME BACK!" -_- If he or she is worth it, I don't know about other people, but I don't mind an epic speech status or poem or something deep. There's always a better way to go about it.
Then we have, the opinionated people.
Oh lord, where do I start.
I love that people use their status to express their concerns and views on things. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it is contradictory to someone else's. In my case, I like to read contradictory opinions to see where someone is coming from with their argument or view. I know there are other people who do that too, because it gives you a better understanding and a broader view on a certain subject.
There is a way to express your opinion without being too offensive to what someone else believes in. If you know what you believe in may offend someone else, it's either you don't put it up if it isn't worth any fuss over or put it in a way that's CONSTRUCTIVE! Sometimes you can't help that it will offend people, but try for them to understand you instead of shoving your beliefs down someone's throat.
I came across a status of this young lady on facebook and she's infamous for her blunt opinions and in most cases, rather offensive statuses. Why I haven't unadded her is because she, in all her mis-led ways, is pretty brilliant. I definitely "get" her most of the time but sometimes she makes me want to throttle her.
Here is the most famous over-used lines for rudely opinionated people;
"This is my opinion and if you don't like it, too bad." That was edited. "My page and therefore I can post up whatever I like." Edited. Remember guys, people you've added read what you have to say and if you post it publicly, expect a response. You may own your page but you don't own facebook.
Here's one that pisses me off.
My freedom of speech.
There are societies and cultures in this world where freedom of speech is severely restricted or basically non-existent. People die trying to advocate and people die in the cause for their human right, to be heard. People are severely punished for speaking out. People are forced to take mistreatment quietly.
How could online users be so ignorant and so careless to use that term, Freedom of speech, so lightly. Freedom of speech is a human right, it's not a light concept, and just like everything in this world it comes with responsibilities. Know when to draw the line on what is your right to be heard and when you're abusing that right. You can't be heard if there are no one listening, so why would anyone hear you if you refuse to listen to the other side. It's not black and white, you can't say whatever you like.
If you have a right to opinion and the right to speech, learn to treasure and utilize that for the greater good. Not something as trivial as facebook statuses that are so poorly written, they offend masses of people.
Now, last but not least, your status location.
This is common sense, but for the sake of those who lack it, don't put up your exact locations on your status.
"I'm at Uni or at Church," is fine with me. "I'm standing at the white gate across boulevard right now," is not fine. If you see a shady character with a blackberry phone looking between you and his phone...and you know what you've just posted up-RUN.
Here, I'll end my rant. I really didn't mean to but oh well. Feel free to leave comments and I hope I haven't offended anyone. These are just some of my concerns on facebook statuses and if you think I was unfair or hypocritical in some way please leave a comment (constructive one). This was not meant to offend, just my views. I hope everyone has a good day!
Till next time!
In sensational news, the President, *Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu*, has written
to the DPP, *Christopher Pryde,* telling hm that the allegations of
5 weeks ago
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